
The Tect Blogs on Various Topics
May 29, 2021
Custom Android Manifest File in Unity

The Android manifest file describes essential information about your app to the Android build tools, the Android operating system, and Google Play. Every Android app or unity app running on the Android platform must have a Manifest file. The manifest file contains information about package name, permissions, application name, icon, activities, services, providers and much more.

May 29, 2021
Lerp Function : Unity

In game development, one of the most common problems is the smooth transition of objects from one position to another. A linear interpolation or Lerp function is a popular technique used to achieve this in Unity. In this blog post, we will explore the lerp function in Unity and its implementation.

May 28, 2021
Typecast Android Object in Untiy

In continuation to previous my previous blogs, where we learnt about how can we use AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject to achieve simple native Android functionality in Unity, We will move one step ahead and see how can we typecast one Android object to another in Unity.

May 10, 2021
Why with function is not an Extension to Template class?

After reading my last blog about Kotlin with function, a lot of developers have asked me about, why with is not an extension to Template class like other scope functions?

May 9, 2021
Kotlin run function

Kotlin has made our life very easy by providing features like extension functions, nullability check and much more. One such kind of really helpful feature is Scope functions. Once you understand what scope functions are, you will not able to resist yourself from using them.

May 4, 2021
Kotlin with function

Kotlin has made our life very easy by providing features like extension functions, nullability check and much more. One such kind of really helpful feature is Scope functions. Once you understand what scope functions are, you will not able to resist yourself from using them.

April 29, 2021
Kotlin also function

In continuation to my previous post where I explained about Kotlin let function and Kotlin apply function, let’s try to understand today about also function today.

April 23, 2021
Why Map does not extend Collection interface?

Collections in any language is an interface that stores similar data type objects and provides an iteration functionality. The common extensions of Collection are List and Set.

April 20, 2021
any(), none() & all() : Kotlin

Kotlin is a powerful language that reduces a lot of boilerplate code required to perform basic operations in comparison to Java. The classic examples for the same are any, non and all functions which were added to the Iterable interface and Map interface.

April 16, 2021
if vs if let vs guard let in Swift

if let and guard let are two conditional operators or condition checker which make our life super easy. Other languages have only if as condition checker but swift provides if let as well as guard let also which are operationally same but a bit different in functionality.

April 13, 2021
Kotlin : Single Expression Function

Kotlin is a powerful language that reduced a lot of boilerplate code when compared to Java. The single expression function is the same in terms of reducing the boilerplate code.

March 6, 2021
Reified : Kotlin

Before we learn about reified,

Generics in any language is the powerful features that allow us to define classes, methods and properties which are accessible using different data types while keeping a check of the compile-time type safety.

December 16, 2020
Kotlin Enum Classes

Enums are special classes which limit the possible values of an object for that class. The possible values defined for that class are final or unchangeable.

December 14, 2020
UIView ClickListener : Swift

Adding a click event to a UIView is something that is required most of the time. For views like UIButton, we can connect an IBAction with the event type and detect the click events but sometimes we need it for Lable or even other views.

December 4, 2020
Variable vs Object vs Reference

Variables, Objects and References, we frequently listen to these terms while development but usually gets confused between them.

Let’s try to understand a very basic definition along with an example for all three. The concept is similar in any object-oriented programming language but for reference, I’ll be using Java examples. Feel free to comment below if you need examples in any specific language.

December 3, 2020
Native Android text sharing to Whatsapp contact in Unity

In the previous blogs, we learnt about how can we trigger native Android text, image or any other format file sharing in Unity App. A lot of you have asked me about how can we share some text directly to a WhatsApp contact.

October 26, 2020
How extension functions resolved?

“how are extension functions resolved?”

This question is being asked by almost everyone both in and outside the interviews. 

Even I have asked this question to many candidates during the interview. 

October 26, 2020
Infix Notation : Kotlin

Ever imagined calling a public function of a class without dot and parentheses of the parameter in Kotlin. Kotlin provides infix notation with which we can call a function with the class object without using a dot and parentheses across the parameter. Using infix function provides more readability to a function similar to other operators like in, is, as in Kotlin.

October 23, 2020
Android : Share message directly to whatsapp contact

Whatsapp is something which doesn’t require any introduction. It’s a conversation app used by millions of users across the world. These million users make it unique for developers also to give special attention when it comes to sharing some message through Whatsapp.

September 13, 2020
Kotlin Extension Property

Extension functions are really-really helpful while writing code in Kotlin. You don’t have to extend the class but you can add the functionality to even a final (non-open) class which will be resolved statically but how about extension properties.

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