In continuation to my previous blog Native Android text sharing in Unity, where we learnt about sharing text from a Unity app targeting the Android platform, let’s try to learn about how can we receive a text from other apps. …
In continuation to previous my previous blogs, where we learnt about how can we use AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject to achieve simple native Android functionality in Unity, We will move one step ahead and see how can we typecast one Android object to another in Unity. …
This particular script will help you to typecast one Android/Java object into another in Unity. For further explaination on how this works, please read the article Native Android in Unity. …
In the previous blogs, we learnt about how can we trigger native Android text, image or any other format file sharing in Unity App. …
This particular script will help you to implement a text message sharing directly to a WhatsApp contact in Unity. For further explaination on how this works, please read the article Native Android text sharing to Whatsapp contact in Unity. …
This particular script will help you to implement a text message sharing directly to a WhatsApp contact in Android. For further explaination on how this works, please read the article Android : Share message directly to whatsapp contact. …
This particular script will help you to implement native Android image sharing using Android’s FileProvider in Unity. This is a fix for “android. …
This particular script will help you to implement native Android text sharing to a particular app in Unity. We use all the native classes of Android in Unity using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject and perform the Android’s ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT, and share the content to a particular app with package name. …
This particular script will help you to implement native Android image sharing in Unity. We use all the native classes of Android in Unity using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject and perform the Android’s ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_SUBJECT, EXTRA_TEXT and EXTRA_STREAM. …
This particular script will help you to implement native Android text sharing in Unity. We use all the native classes of Android in Unity using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject and perform the Android’s ACTION_SEND with EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT. …
This particular script will help you to implement basic native Android in Unity. This show an example of showing a native Android’s Toast in unity using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject. …
In the previous blogs Native Android text sharing in Unity and Native Android image sharing in Unity we learnt about how to share some text or screenshot to other apps in a Unity app targeting Android platforms. …
Think about a situation where two or more developers need to modify the same class or add new functionalities to the same class. …
While implementing native sharing using my previous post, Native Android image sharing in Unity we saw an exception android.os.FileUriExposedException in Android 8 (Oreo) and above. …
In continuation to my previous blogs Native Android in Unity and Native Android text sharing in Unity, will consider another example of native Android screenshot sharing functionality in the unity app. …
In continuation to my previous blogs Native Android in Unity, will consider another example of native Android text sharing functionality in the unity app. …
While developing unity games in C# targeting android platform, we always want to use few native android features in our game. …