Blog / May 2, 2023 / 3 mins read / By Suneet Agrawal

Vector in Java

Vectors are an important data structure in Java programming that are used to store and manipulate collections of elements. A vector is similar to an array, but with some additional features that make it more flexible and convenient to use. In this blog, we will explore the basics of vectors in Java, how they differ from arrays, and how to use them in your programs.

What is a Vector in Java?

In Java, a vector is a dynamic array-like data structure that can be resized as needed. It is part of the java.util package and provides a set of methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements. A vector is similar to an array in that it stores a collection of elements in contiguous memory locations, but it differs from an array in several ways:

  • A vector can grow or shrink dynamically, whereas an array has a fixed size.
  • A vector can hold elements of any type, whereas an array can only hold elements of a single type.
  • A vector is synchronized, meaning that it is thread-safe, whereas an array is not.

Creating a Vector

To create a Vector in Java, we need to import the java.util.Vector package. Then we can create an instance of the Vector class using the following syntax:

Vector<String> vector = new Vector();

This creates an empty Vector of Strings. We can also specify an initial capacity for the Vector using the following syntax:

Vector<String> vector = new Vector(10);

This creates a Vector of Strings with an initial capacity of 10. If we add more elements to the Vector than its capacity, it will automatically resize itself to accommodate the new elements.

Adding Elements to a Vector

We can add elements to a Vector using the add() method. For example, we can add a String to the Vector as follows:


We can also add multiple elements to the Vector using the addAll() method. For example, we can add an array of Strings to the Vector as follows:

String[] strings = {"World", "Java", "Vector"};

Accessing Elements in a Vector

We can access elements in a Vector using the get() method. For example, we can get the first element in the Vector as follows:

String firstElement = vector.get(0);

We can also use a for-each loop to iterate over all the elements in the Vector. For example:

for (String element : vector) {

Removing Elements from a Vector

We can remove elements from a Vector using the remove() method. For example, we can remove the first element in the Vector as follows:


We can also remove all the elements in the Vector using the clear() method. For example:


Other Vector Operations

Java’s Vector class provides several other useful methods for working with vectors. Here are a few examples:

  • size() - returns the number of elements in the Vector
  • isEmpty() - returns true if the Vector is empty
  • contains() - returns true if the Vector contains a specified element
  • indexOf() - returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified element
  • lastIndexOf() - returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified element


In summary, a Vector is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink in size as needed. Java provides a built-in Vector class that can be used to implement this data structure. The Vector class provides several useful methods for adding, accessing, and removing elements from the vector. With the Vector class in Java, developers have a powerful tool for manipulating collections of objects.
