Blog / April 10, 2022 / 3 mins read / By Suneet Agrawal

For-in vs For-each in Swift

For-in and for-each are different variants of for loops in swift which are used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary. Both provide the same functionality but has a few limitations or differences when it comes to conditional access.

To understand their differences, let’s try to understand their examples in details first.

For-in loop

For-in loop is used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary using both the indexes as well an element based iteration.

for item in 0...5 {

let dictionary = ["Suneet": "Engineering", "Ballu": "Sales", "John": "Marketing"]
for (name, department) in dictionary {
    print("\(name) is working in \(department) department")

let set = ["Suneet", "Agrawal", "Ballu"]
for item in set {

For-each loop

For-each loop can also be used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary using both the indexes as well an element based iteration.

(0...5).forEach{ item in

let dictionary = ["Suneet": "Engineering", "Ballu": "Sales", "John": "Marketing"]
dictionary.forEach{ name, department in
    print("\(name) is working in \(department) department")

let set = ["Suneet", "Agrawal", "Ballu"]
set.forEach{ item in

Difference between for-in and for-each

1. Break and continue statements cannot be used in for-each loop

break and continue are the basic syntaxes of for loop which is used to either break the loop iteration or to continue to the next element.

Since for-each is not an operator but it’s a function, break and continue can’t be used inside a for-each iteration.

//For-in loop
var evenNumbers = [Int]()

for number in 0...50 {
    guard evenNumbers.count < 5 else {

    guard number % 2 == 0 else {

//this will print [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

//For-each loop
var evenNumbers = [Int]()

(0...50).forEach{ number in
    guard evenNumbers.count < 5 else {
        break     //Error: 'break' is only allowed inside a loop, if, do, or switch

    guard number % 2 == 0 else {
        continue    //<e>'continue' is only allowed inside a loop


2. Return from scope is not possible from for-in loop

Return from the scope of the for loop is not possible in the case of the for-in loop. Please note that we can use return in the for-in loop if inside a function, but that will return from the function but not from the for-loop scope.

//For-in loop
var evenNumbers = [Int]()

for number in 0...50 {
    guard evenNumbers.count < 5 else {
        return    //<e>Return invalid outside of a func

    guard number % 2 == 0 else {
        return    //<e>Return invalid outside of a func


//For-each loop
var evenNumbers = [Int]()

(0...50).forEach{ number in
    guard evenNumbers.count < 5 else {

    guard number % 2 == 0 else {

//this will print [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

3. For-each can be used with Swift’s closures or first class functions

    Since for-each is a function but not an operator, it can be used with closures or first-class functions whereas the same is not possible with the case of the for-in loop.
//For-each loop
func doSomethingWithNumber(for number : Int){
    guard number % 2 == 0 else {


To sum it up
  • For-in is an operator whereas for-each is a function.
  • For-in loop gives us a much greater degree of control over an iteration like using break, continue.
  • For-each enables us to take advantage of the power of closures and first-class functions.
